Spotlight on Alberto Giacometti in MoMA Sculpture Garden in New York

Artworks - 03/04/2015 - Article : Marian Lacombe - Video : Marian Lacombe

This Tall Figure by Alberto Giacometti is one of MoMA director Glenn Lowry’s favorite sculptures.

A large number of sculptures in the garden change every year but there are favorites that stay most of the time.

“ The elongation, the stretching of this figure fits this garden beautifully. It commands the space. It has this totemic, iconic form and value. Looking at this sculpture makes you think of what it means to be a striving figure, what it means to be isolated in this world. What it means, ultimately, to be human and part of a large metropolis ” explains Lowry.

The curators are constantly adding to the garden’s collection. They’ve just acquired Isa Genzken’s Rose and Thomas Schütte’s United Enemies.

Alberto Giacometti
Tall Figure, III, 1960
7′ 9″ x 11 5/8″ x 20 5/8″ (236.2 x 29.5 x 52.4 cm)
The Museum of Modern Art, New York.  Gift of Nina and Gordon Bunshaft in honor of the artist.
© 2015 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris

MoMA, 11 West 53 Street
New York, NY, 10019, USA